Friday, December 11, 2009

Market Update 12/10/09

After a large gap up the SP-500 could not follow thru to the upside. There was generally a lack of interest from both buyers and sellers resulting in a 7 point range for the entire day. The gap up stopped me out of my
SPY puts for a nominal loss.

I will look to put on a straddle on Friday for exposure to the explosive directional move that the market is building up for. (See previous posts). This period of a tight ranges and low implied volatility on options is the ideal time to open a straddle. This position will eliminate the need to be right on the direction of the move, but requires a large move to profit. I will post the strike and month of the straddle when I open the position.

The eventual move out of the rectangle area on the 45 minute $SPX chart will be a large one. The only question is which way and when. Markets being what they are it will be when the fewest expect it and the most are wrong.

Good trading.